Tribal Government & News

Tribal Council handles several financial matters

12.12.2014 Dean Rhodes Tribal Council

With the end of the year approaching, Tribal Council dealt with a series of financial issues during its Wednesday, Dec. 3, meeting.

In reaction to new appointments in the General Manager’s Office and Finance Department, Tribal Council amended Chris Leno’s title to finance officer for the Tribe’s investment and line of credit accounts, authorized Interim General Manager Rick George as a signer on the Tribe’s bank, sweep and investment accounts, and amended Linda Hanna’s title to controller.

Also in the financial realm, Tribal Council authorized a Tribal credit card for Information Systems Manager Bill Kephart for use in the performance of his duties.

Tribal Council also declared a member benefit payment date of Friday, Dec. 12. Tribal Council Chairman Reyn Leno also read a statement explaining the payment, which includes per capita, timber distribution and a settlement due the Tribe from the Indian Health Service regarding unpaid contract support cost claims from fiscal year 1996 through fiscal year 2011.

In other action, Tribal Council:

Approved a contract between the Oregon Judicial Case Information Network and the Tribal Attorney’s Office and Children and Family Services Department;

Appointed Kristy DeLoe to the Grand Ronde Tribal Housing Authority Board of Commissioners for a term expiring in March 2017;

Appointed Penny DeLoe, Sharon Hanson, Deanna Johnson, Joanne Mercier and Michael Mercier to serve on the Election Board for the Bureau of Indian Affairs special constitutional amendment election to be held in early 2015;

And approved the enrollment of three infants into the Tribe.

Also included in the Dec. 3 Tribal Council packet were authorizations to proceed that permitted the resumption of live streaming of Tribal Council meetings, authorized work on the Powwow Arbor Project, set the amount of the member benefit and per capita payments disbursed on Dec. 12, and OK’d the expenditure of $3,439 for Christmas lighting on the Tribal campus.

Tribal Council member Jon A. George, Jan Looking Wolf Reibach, Bobby Mercier and Travis Stewart opened the meeting with cultural drumming and singing.

The meeting can be viewed in its entirety on the Tribal website,, under the Video shortcut.