
Tribal member lands DEQ post

03.10.2011 Dean Rhodes People

Tribal member Kathleen Feehan George has been named to a position with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.

She is now a liaison to the Eastern Region's new Economic Revitalization Team and also a member of the DEQ's Eastern Region Legislative Team.

She takes on this part-time role in addition to running her newly established business, Pendleton-based Cedar Consulting.

Cedar Consulting provides public policy, facilitation and mediation services.

The Economic Revitalization Team works to strengthen Oregon's economic competitiveness by helping communities fill locally and regionally identified economic development needs and opportunities, said George. The team also focuses on increasing coordination among agencies with overlapping regulatory authority on common local government projects.  

The DEQ Economic Revitalization Team liaisons help support local communities with business development and job creation while ensuring that Oregon's environmental resources are protected. They can help businesses or local communities navigate regulatory compliance issues so that their project planning can go more smoothly.

"I'm looking forward to working with local communities and business to support job creation," said George.