
Yesteryears -- Nov. 1, 2016

10.31.2016 Dean Rhodes History

2011 – According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Siletz Agency Office, 1,463 Tribal members registered to vote in the Nov. 15 constitutional amendment election regarding enrollment requirements. The all-or-nothing proposal would have changed four enrollment requirements, including the parent on the roll at the time of birth and application requirements.

2006 – The Tribe was in the process of building a permanent fish weir in Agency Creek. Round Valley, the Tribally owned construction company, was the general contractor on the job and Gelco Construction was the subcontractor for the concrete pour. In mid-October, the company diverted Agency Creek with culverts to drains sections where concrete footings would be poured.

2001 – Acting Social Services Director Ron Hudson was honored for his years of dedication and service to Indian people during the Indian Child Welfare Conference hosted by the Grand Ronde Tribe at Spirit Mountain Casino.

1996 – Spirit Mountain Casino donated two Marksman LTI 20/20 lasers to Oregon State Police responsible for monitoring traffic on Highway 18. The laser guns put new teeth into measures to increase safety on the busy corridor to the Oregon coast.

1991 – The Tribe’s Youth Council elected officers. Jeff Mercier was elected chair, Travis Stewart was elected vice chair, Shonn Leno was elected treasurer and Peggy Brickell was elected secretary.

1986 – The Tribe was advertising for an employee to implement hunting and fishing procedures, as well as prepare a monthly newsletter to provide information to Tribal members. The full-time job paid $15,000 annually.


Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.