
Yesteryears -- Nov. 1, 2015

10.29.2015 Dean Rhodes History

2010 – Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy met with President Barack Obama before the president’s appearance at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. Obama was in Oregon to support Democrat John Kitzhaber’s campaign for governor. Kennedy was among several Native American chairpersons from western Oregon to meet with Obama.

2005 – Housing Director Carina Kistler Ginter presented Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy with the Tribe of the Year award from the Northwest Indian Housing Association.

2000 – Tribal members Courtney Galligher and Mark LaBonte posed in traditional regalia for an artist’s rendering of what the West Valley Veterans Memorial could look like upon completion. Artist Steve Bobb Sr. thanked them for taking the time to pose for the conceptual drawing.

1995 – More than 4,000 Tribal members, civic leaders, business vendors and others celebrated the opening of Spirit Mountain Casino during a gala evening on Tuesday, Oct. 17. On the previous evening, about 500 Tribal members enjoyed the first look inside the new Spirit Mountain Casino during a Tribal Open House Night.

1990 – Tribal member Lonnie Leno, born and raised in Tillamook, became the Tribe’s new Housing Program director. He began working for the Tribe in June and was busy prioritizing the Housing Program files.

1985 – Tribal Chairman Henry Petite resigned and Tribal Council elected Vice Chair Mark Mercier as chairman and Merle Leno as the new vice chairman. Mercier reported that Tribal Council would continue working on the Reservation Plan.


Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.