Tribal Government & News

Message from the Tribal Chair -- Dec. 15, 2012

12.13.2012 Ron Karten Tribal Council

Dear fellow Tribal members:

I hope everyone enjoyed our 29th Restoration Celebration and Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. As we look back on 2012, I think we have a lot to be thankful for and celebrate. The Restoration Celebration, Tribal Christmas Party and Veterans Auction and Dinner were well-attended and it was great to see everyone.   

 I want to personally thank all of the Tribe's members and friends who rallied together to defeat Oregon Ballot Measures 82 and 83. It was a good day for the Tribe and for Oregon. 

As your Chair, I want to take this opportunity to update everyone on some of the things happening within the Tribe, as well as some of the things Tribal Council has been working on to come in the next few months.

  • Housing: Elder Housing Phase II is open and residents are moving in. The project included 20 Elder units and three grandfamily units. Tribal Elders will be enjoying the new units for the holidays.
  • TERO Ordinance: Tribal Council has been reviewing the ordinance and it is likely that it will be out for a first reading after the first of the year. It is the hope that this ordinance will help to increase job opportunities for Tribal members, both in employment and contracting.
  • Tribal Council Ethics: Tribal Council has been reviewing and discussing the implementation of new ethics provisions. The new provisions will be coming out soon for comment.
  • Enrollment Audit: Phase I of the Enrollment Audit is complete. The auditors will be meeting with Tribal Council toward the end of the month to discuss its findings.
  • Constitutional Amendments: Tribal Council is also discussing the potential for some future Constitutional Amendments involving term limits and other issues that membership has discussed in the past. I will continue to keep the membership updated on these issues.
  • Efficiency Cuts: As many of you may be aware, we have made cuts at Spirit Mountain Casino and in Tribal government for efficiency. We believe it is our responsibility to constantly evaluate for efficiency and make changes as necessary. We hope these changes will prove to be positive in 2013.
  • Health Insurance: Our Tribal insurance premiums are a great expense to the Tribe and in the interest of efficiency, if at all possible and if Tribal members have an alternative resource for health insurance available, I encourage the use of alternative insurance in order to lessen our health care expenses.
  • Reservation Amendment: Tribal Council has been working hard in 2012 for the passage in Congress of our Reservation Amendment, which would allow us to take property that we own within the boundaries of our pre-existing Reservation directly into Reservation status, which saves us a great deal of time and money. It is our hope and expectation that this amendment will pass in the early part of 2013. 

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and here's to another great year in 2013 as we will be celebrating our 30th year since Restoration. As I recently stated at the Restoration Celebration, be proud to be Grand Ronde Tribal members and be thankful for all we receive.

Hayu Masi,

Reynold Leno

Tribal Chairman