
Yesteryears - Jan. 15, 2012

01.13.2012 Ron Karten History

2007 - Tribal Council instructed Director of Economic Development Peter Wakeland to draw up the parameters of a feasibility study about ways to improve fire and emergency response time for Tribal lands and the surrounding community. The study was to examine a number of options, including building and staffing a fire department on Tribal lands.

2002 - The Tribe's Education Department continued to grow, adding a college counselor and adviser (Kevin Simmons), Adult Education coordinator (JoAnne Carr) and administrative assistant (Deb Bachman) to the staff.

1997 - Tribal Council approved the 1997 Tribal budget and also gave authorization to proceed on the construction of a new administration building that will house Tribal programs.

1992 - Vernon Kennedy joined the Tribe as the new alcohol and drug prevention/education counselor. Originally from Burns, Ore., Kennedy went to Burns High School and then to Anadarko Indian School.

1987 - Greg Archuleta joined the Tribal staff as hunting & fishing/newsletter person. He was a graduate of the University of Oregon with a degree in journalism. He started full-time on Jan. 19.

Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.